



The Table of Contents is the Key to Creating a Book in “Word“
If you have ever created a report or a report, I mentioned that creating a book on Amazon is easy. To write a proper report, you need to think of a proper structure. And thinking about structure means thinking about a “table of contents”.
If you are writing a report with a limited number of pages, you don’t need to create a table of contents separately from the chapters, but if you want to make it look like a book, you need a table of contents. For a typical book of around 200 pages, there should be seven or eight chapters, and each chapter should be divided into sections. There are 20 to 30 chapters or sections to be displayed as a table of contents.
If you were to do this by hand, it would be very difficult. If you were to do this by hand, it would be very difficult, because the number of pages would keep changing as you write more and sometimes less. You can set up a table of contents at the end of the book, but if you are creating a book in Word, you need to set up a “heading function” in advance.
The manuscript of the Kindle version of my book “~Business Fables~” looks like this.
Since this book has a simple structure with only chapters, I used only “Heading 1”.
But when it comes to “Fragmented Society,” which has many pages, I use different headings from “Heading 1” to “Heading 3.”
As long as I set up these “headings,” Word will create the table of contents for me.
With Kindle and other e-books, if you don’t have a link function in the table of contents, you’re just reading a PDF of a paper book, which is completely meaningless (I think this is the case with many magazines).
Even if it seems tedious, if you set up “headings” at the beginning, the rest will be much easier.