



こちらは、「断片化社会 マス・マーケティングの終焉」のKindle版の原稿です。Amazon社のKDP(Kindle Desktop Publishing)のアカウントを作成すれば、このファイルをアップロードするだけで、Kindle版の電子書籍を作成・販売することができます。








Books are now easy to create.

Just upload a Word document and you have a book!

With the advent of Amazon’s Kindle, it has become extremely easy to create e-books. In the early days, you had to prepare an e-book in a unique format called EPUB, but now you can simply upload a document created in Microsoft Word, which is probably in most computers, and it will become an e-book.

If you create an account with Amazon’s KDP (Kindle Desktop Publishing), you can create and sell Kindle e-books by simply uploading this file. It’s an e-book.

Since it is an e-book, the text will be in a format called reflow type. Images will be inserted in a single line, just like text. So, the Word format itself is virtually irrelevant.

Paperback requires editing skills

On the other hand, the paperback version, which will start in October 2021, will be a Word document like this.

You can see that it is in a format that can be read in print. In fact, in order to publish a paperback version of a book, the manuscript is created in Word, converted to PDF, and then uploaded to KDP for completion. In order to create a paperback version of a book, you need to have some experience in creating small reports and reports, even if they are not books, which is currently difficult.

Are comic books and photo books even easier?

These are just assuming that it is a “book”. In the case of manga, text is inserted into the picture with callouts, so it is easier to publish than a book by uploading the completed manuscript as a PDF. Even though there is the “manga thief problem,” I believe that the workload can be reduced considerably compared to analog manga (I don’t draw manga, so this is just my imagination. (I don’t draw manga, so I’m just imagining.)

A photo book would be much easier to create, since you only need to add captions to the images. You can create a photo book of your cat or dog, a photo book of your family, or a photo book of trains at ……. You can easily sell them if you want to.
That’s the way it is now, already.
